Monday, November 4, 2013


Research and discover the following about the

Genetic counselor

Duties and responsibilities : Genetic counselors work at hospitals, universities, laboratories and private clinics. They are trained to analyze genetic data and communicate risk factors to patients and their families. A family history of cancer, muscular dystrophy or cystic fibrosis might cause an individual to seek genetic counseling. Tasked with identifying potential predispositions for physical and mental diseases and disorders, genetic counselors are trained in the following:

·         Analyze patient histories

·         Provide genetic testing

·         Perform genetic risk calculations

·         Educate families about potential health risks

·         Help patients to cope with a diagnosis  



Average Salary:  $25,000 - $55,000



Education : Students interested in becoming genetic counselors should take a challenging high school curriculum that emphasizes science and mathematics. 

A master's degree is required, and most graduate programs require a strong undergraduate background in biology, chemistry, and behavioral science.  Many states require genetic counselors to be certified.



Would you like to be a Genetic counselor ? no

WHY ?  A : because I’m not interested in this  carier

 picture :

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